
Usher Responsibilities

At Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, we have four ushers per service that assist in the flow of directing members and guest throughout the Service.

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church -
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church -
  • Two (2) Ushers work together on the Pulpit and Lectern side of Church
  • Greet each person as they enter the sanctuary and offer them a bulletin
  • Collect the offering for side of the church
  • Bring your offering plate to the altar 
  • Direct the congregation to the altar for communion at the appropriate time 
  • Tidy the pews at the end of the service, removing bulletins or arranging books as needed
  • Collect the attendance sheets from the pew pads and place in the administrative coordinator’s box


  • Arrive early to fill the pews with Offering Envelopes and Prayer Cards
  • Refill the pew hand sanitizer if needed
  • Make sure pews have sharpened pencils
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
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