Communion Assistant


At Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, we have one Communion Assistant per service.

The Communion Assistant’s role is to provide the wine at the Service of Holy Communion to each person who seeks to use the individual cups provided.

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Bible

Sample Procedures:

  • You will commune at the altar with the servers before the congregation
  • From the side table you will bring the decanter of wine and the linen cloth to the altar to join the Pastor and Assistant Pastor
  • From the decanter you will fill your chalice half-way
  • You will follow the Assistant Pastor who is distributing wine from the common cup around the altar to distribute communion
  • As you pour the wine into the individual cups you say to each communicant “The Blood of Christ Shed for You”.
  • If someone has brought up a cup of apple juice, please be sure either you or the assistant has said “The blood of Christ shed for you”.
  • Keep moving around the altar following the assistant until all able-bodied persons have communed
  • Pastor will let you know if there are people who need to take communion in the pews.  For each person, bring an individual cup. After the Pastor has given the host, provide the person with the cup of wine. Collect the empty cup and dispose of it in the basket as you return to the altar
  • Drink the remaining wine in your chalice or pour it into the common cup
  • Remain at the altar until the Pastor has been given communion
  • As you exit the altar place your chalice and the decanter you brought to the altar along with the linen cloth back on the side table
  • Return to your pew
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
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