GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN CHURCH MINISTRIES Ushers Usher Responsibilities At Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, we have four ushers per service that assist in the flow of directing members and guest throughout the Service. Two (2) Ushers work together on the Pulpit and Lectern side of ChurchGreet each person as they enter the sanctuary and offer them a bulletinCollect the offering for side of the churchBring your offering plate to the altar Direct the congregation to the altar for communion at the appropriate time Tidy the pews at the end of the service, removing bulletins or arranging books as neededCollect the attendance sheets from the pew pads and place in the administrative coordinator’s boxMONTHLY RESPONSIBILITIESArrive early to fill the pews with Offering Envelopes and Prayer CardsRefill the pew hand sanitizer if neededMake sure pews have sharpened pencils